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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Anne Nightingale- A Tribute to a wonderful person, my mother!

My dear friends this is my mother!!!!! 

  by Rachel Libby

On October 30 in the morning my beloved Grandma Anne Nightingale took her last breath here in this world. God's word says that He holds all the days of our lives in His hands, every single day. Today the last day of her life lit up for a brief moment and joined all the other days of her past, which together will forever leave a beautiful legacy of a life well lived. The Lord had planned and orchestrated each day she would live and leave her mark for Him on this earth. And that she certainly did. Her life overflowed with a bright and beautiful love for Jesus. It was in her gentle soft voice, her affection, her endless giving of love and care to whoever the Lord placed in her path. She never cared for a second who a person was or where they came from. Her love was the same, always constant, always reliable, always full of affection and tender care. She was always so thoughtful, kind and truthful. And no matter who you were, I guarantee you, she was your biggest fan. She always spoke highly of everyone, encouraging their gifts and abilities and truly believed that the Lord had a good and great purposes for them even if no one else could see it.

   She was very stylish though decades of different fashions and hair styles. She was a beauty from the inside out. Grandma always remained composed, always had perfect posture and was extremely graceful and dignified. Oh how I wish I could be like her!!! Not only was she beautiful, she had a brilliant mind. She spoke German, Portuguese, Spanish and English all fluently and I know she knew some Russian too. She was a gentle spirit but also had strong opinions and a very clever wit. She knew God's word inside and out and was never ashamed or shy about sharing it with anyone. She was brave and courageous. She had 6 children and moved her family across the world to different countries as the Lord equipped and lead them. She was the most fashionable lady you would ever see in a jungle, with her classy beehive and hiking boots!

   I have a sweet bond with her as my parents named me after her...I then followed in her footsteps and also married a David. We both walked down the aisle at Yarrow MB Church to the men God brought into our lives for life...only several decades apart. She spent hours with me whenever I would visit, cooking with me, baking with me, showing me old family pictures, praying with me and sharing great priceless wisdom with me about parenting, marriage and ministry. The things she has taught me have been etched into my life, they have made a permanent mark. I make her stuffing every Thanksgiving, without fail. Every time I have a choice to make between ministry and family her sweet soft voice echoes in my mind reminding me of the ministry that I have been called to first and foremost. Every time I eat a Nanimo bar memories shared around her kitchen table fill my mind, all the laughter, tears, games and encouraging words....priceless. I learned so much from her and who she was to other people. God used her in such mighty ways all around the world.
    Her whole life she longed for this day, when she would see her Savior face to face. Everything she did, every place she went, every one she reached out to...it was all for Him. Her love for Jesus was evident in her life, in every word and deed. She had so much love, patience, gentleness, self control and selflessness....it was beautiful. To know that she is now in the presence of the One she lived her life for eases the pain of not having her here with me on this earth. She is exactly were her soul yearned to be. Her mind, now fully restored from the devastating effects of Alzheimers. Her body, now fit as a fiddle again. I guarantee you she has already run a lap or two around heaven. Even in her 70's she could run farther and faster then I ever could. She was just disciplined and amazing like that. To think of her being able to do all she loved to do again brings such joy to my heart. Also knowing that she has been reunited with her parents, sisters and granddaughter  worshiping at Jesus' feet fills my heart with so much joy. There is nowhere else she would rather be. She was made to worship her Maker and every ounce of her being reflected the desire of her heart, to bring God praise and glory.

     Her love for my kids was one of a kind. She always said that she thought children could sense what you were feeling in your heart towards them. I believe its true, at least with her. Since the time my kids were babies, they rested content in her arms. When her eyes filled with tears every time she told them goodbye, they would hold onto her and give her extra affection. Even though we could only visit her a few times a year, she kept her freezer full of treats for them. Bought them each a special gift when they came and showered them with as much love and affection as time allowed. She called Elijah her little tweety every since the day he was born. Not sure why, but it was a special thing the two of them shared. When Elijah was about 18 months old he left his hand print on her mirror. Her house was always clean and tidy, pretty immaculate actually, but for the last 8 years she has cleaned around the hand print. It is still there.

     Grandma Anne's devotion to her family was incomparable. She prayed every morning and every evening faithfully not only for each and every one of her 6 children, but also for her 9 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Her prayers weren't just random or repetitive lists. If you have ever sat at the breakfast table with her you would know she spent quality time praying for each person individually and the needs and praises they had. She never hurried or rushed her time in prayer, she very specifically and earnestly prayed for everything the Lord brought to her mind and each of her hearts desires for the people in her family. She was the most devoted and faithful prayer warrior, I can't wait to get to heaven to see all that her prayers accomplished on this earth, I am certain they moved some mountains. I kind of wonder now, what my life will be like without her prayers. I know God is good, but I felt such reassurance that she was fighting the good fight with and for my family and I through her petitions on our behalf.

     Everything was so precious and meaningful to her, she never took anything for granted and made the most of every opportunity. I am certain that there was no better way for her to spend each day that the Lord had stored up for her in His mighty hand. My prayer is that I would do the same - Not waste a single day that the Lord graciously gives me, and use all my life to point people to the only hope and true source of love that can only be found in Jesus Christ.

   I am coming home too Grandma, and I can't wait to see you. Thank you for living a life that brought honor and glory to the Lord. For selflessly and faithfully obeying the Lord regardless of the cost. Thank you for being a godly wife, who tenderly loved her husband, and was fiercely committed to loving her children, grandchildren and greats.  For always standing up for the truth in the most appealing and gentle way. AND for always pointing people to Christ by the way you weathered life's storms, basked in the joyful times and unfailingly extended love to every person God placed in your path. I want to be like you when I grow up. I love you.


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