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Friday, March 21, 2014

A 96 year old man composes music for his wife who died

My dear friends I just had to translate this for you.

When Fred, this man of 96 years old, saw the announcement of a music competition in the newspaper of his city he did not imagine how it would change his life.
He could not play any instrument, even his singing wasn´t good ... but still he decided to do something.
Fred wrote a song for his wife who had passed away just over a month.
The result of this story by clicking the play you see the video below.
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Meus queridos amigos, eu só tinha que traduzir isso para você. 

Quando Fred, este homem de 96 anos, viu o anúncio de um concurso de música no jornal de sua cidade, ele não imaginava como isso mudaria sua vida. 
Ele não podia tocar nenhum  instrumento, mesmo o seu canto não era bom ... mas ainda assim, ele decidiu fazer algo. 
Fred escreveu uma canção para sua esposa, que havia falecido há pouco mais de um mês. 
O resultado dessa história, abaixo.

What a fascinating story! It is impossible not to be thrilled with the response from Fred in hearing the final version of his song. Incidentally, this story reminded me of Ben and his little daughter who honored her mother died from cancer.


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