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Monday, October 21, 2013

Brazil- Sao Vicente 2


The city of Sao Vicente:

The city was founded by Martim Afonso de Sousa, on January 22, 1532, São  Vicente is considered Nationality Cellula Mater.

The city of São Vicente is located 69 km from the city of São Paulo, São Vicente offers 3.6 kilometers of beaches. Some beaches like Itararé and Gonzaguinha are quite busy. Others are still almost unexplored,they conceal mysteries of nature and the history of the city.

Porchat Island remains one of the most beautiful sights of the region. With entertainment for all tastes
With a spacious bay and calm waters São Vicente allows the practice of water sports like sailing, windsurfing, water skiing and jet skiing.
The Ponte Pênsil, a bridge is one of the tourist cards of Sao Vicente. It was the first bridge to be erected and idealized in Brazil in 1914.

The story of the origin:

The story of the origin of the name St. Vincent began long ago, in the year of  325, in the Spanish city of Huesca, the Province of Saragoza. There a  young fellow called Vincent was born. He was a dedicated priest who stood out for his work, so that the bishop of Saragoza, entrusted Valerio with the task as a Christian preacher and catechetical counselor.

They and many others were arrested and condemned, and killed, but through it all he did not deny the Christian faith.
Through this incident Vincent was canonized and received the name of St. Vincent Martyr.

So when a Portuguese expedition led by Gaspar de Lemos arrived here on January 22, 1502, he gave the name to the island, St. Vincent. 


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