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Friday, January 3, 2014

Nicole Johnson- Girlfriends

What is she sharing? 
What is she talking about?

See how much you understand from a Southern American accent and her way of talking?
Check this out:

Text of the skit:

Yea, the orders up on number 4, number 7 needs catchup, thanks Bob, I´m taking a little break, I´ll be back in five.
Ohh, I quit smoking about a year ago but I didn´t tell anybody that I quit because I like to come out here to take a break.

Working in the diner it teaches you a lot about life. You learn a lot about people ´cause they got no reason to pretend. I mean, I´m a coffee shop waitress, nobody gets paid to be nice to me and nobody gets punished if they ain´t so you can tell real quite who´got a good heart and who don´t, and sometimes even I get surprised. 

I mean like girlfriends, now I thought that I didn´t need any girlfriends, in fact I thought that girls did not make good friends. I didn´t trust women I know now it´s because I didn´t trust myself , and that´s after a lot of years of therapy, you now.
I found it far easier to relate to men which could have been part of my problem if you know what I mean.
Girlfriends are as good as cash in your wallet and I mean, I don´t care who you are!! You know it!  I don´t care who you are, where you live, what kind of car you drive, every woman needs a good girlfriend.  If you are here with your girlfriend, let me just hear you.

Yea, see there!  That´s right! Every woman needs somebody to talk to, to laugh and cry with, watch all those movies men won´t to with, stay up all night with. You are the happiest women here if you´ve got a good girlfriend!
Men need their friends! They don´t talk to ´em, but they need ´em, and we need our girlfriends! Because there are just somethings that girlfriends do best. Like talk. We have to talk or we´ll blow up.

My friend Janice is a world class talker and her husband says,  “Janice you just talk all you want and you tell me when you get to something I´m supposed to listen to”!
Now that works great for them, because men cannot handle all our talking. You can tell, they just go someplace else, their eyes just glase over like a crispy cream donnut and they are gone.

And what about laughter, now who else is going to make you laugh till you almost wet your pants¿ Come on, tell the truth! Nobody laughs harder than the girlfriends when they get together. And here is the beauty of it!  It doesn´t even have to be funny. You can say the stupidest thing you ever said in your entire life like “chicken wing”, and all of a sudden you are on the floor laughing and crying and hoping that birth and those babies don´t demand payment doesn´t happen and then there.

And here is how you know that kind of laughter just comes from being with your girlfriends, the next day it ain´t funny. You try to tell it to somebody else, it´s not funny. You try to tell it to a man and it is painful.

Well, I have talked all the way through my break, and I´ve got to get back down there, ´cause I guarantee you Bob forgot to give catchup to table number seven.
Alright you all take care now, you hear!!!!! 

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